Friday, 23 July 2010

Year 12 to 13

You should all now redirect yourselves to the Year 13 blog.
For reference, here's the address:
Make sure you bookmark it. Summer work details are there.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Sorry I've absent so much - last week I was stranded in New York. Today I was running orals so we were unable to have a lesson. I realise how frustrating this is for all of us. We will make up the time, don't worry. Summer exams are approaching and you should do a practice paper 1 and 2. Paper 1 is here: text booklet and question booklet. For paper 2, do this:
Schreiben Sie einen Artikel für die Schülerzeitung über Raumforschung. Was sind die Argumente für und gegen die Eroberung des Weltalls? Was ist Ihre persönliche Meinung zu diesem Thema?"(250 Wörter).

Do as much of the work above as you can in 2 hours ready for next Tuesday.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Absent on Tues 9th Feb

Sorry - I won't be in tomorrow (Tues 9th Feb) due to illness. Log on to the computer in the room and go to news4kids. Choose an article jointly - translate it, make vocab notes then log off and reconstruct it back into German.