Sunday, 15 November 2009


Be ready to film the Holocaust Denkmal interviews on Tuesday 17th. Then we'll carry on with the Gruselgeschichten selection before you write your own.
Keep an eye on all the Wiedervereinigung coverage. Der Fall der berliner Mauer war vor zwanzig Jahren. Ein paar interessante Bilder gibt es hier.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Halloween, music and Christmas

This half term we will do some halloween related stories, maybe some deutsche Rockmusik and a Borchert short story 'Die drei dunklen Könige' related to Christmas and the war.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Frau Barrett will teach you for two lessons today as I am running a training course. You will do further work on the Holocaust Denkmal. Make sure your role plays are as fluent as possible. Use the worksheet for support and preparation but make sure you learn material. We will do the greenscreen filming properly after half term.

Monday, 12 October 2009

This week, we will try to do some eye-witness reports based around the Berlin Holocaust Denkmal. We'll base our work on the worksheet and then do some greenscreen video. Your homework will be to revise and redo the worksheet so that learning is secure.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Next lesson we will go through your work on Neckarsulm and then prepare the last activity. Your next piece of work will be to do a fun, ironic, visual leaflet about Miststadt and its attractions. Miststadt basically means Dungtown. This is why they couldn't sell a perfume in Germany called Irish Mist.
Then we will go onto this worksheet.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Well done Matt and Fiona for some excellent work on Berlin sites. The rest of you now need to do this. We'll continue with tourism and language-manipulation work next Tuesday.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

jetzt geht's los

The title means- 'now we're off' (it does not mean 'now everything gets loose')

You will have done a piece of research about a German tourist attraction by now. We will listen to you read it and we'll check it through.

The next piece of work will be based on tourist brochure language. In paper 1 you may get one of these as a text and be asked to do related comprehension exercises. These are often used as a springboard for your own writing. To practise this area, here's a text and tasks.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Welcome new year 12s

We hope you will enjoy the course. Three lessons a week is not really enough so you need to make the most of other opportunities to use, read and hear the language. Some of the links on this page will help you, plus conversation classes with Mrs Barrett.
We are all here to help you, so always ask if you are having problems; the team is Mrs Baroni. Mr Meier, Mrs Barrett (and Mrs Mitchell who you will also come across from time to time).
Over the next two to three weeks we will be doing general introductions, talking about family, friends, generational issues and holidays.

I'll start with some work on Urlaub und Ferien. I'll use this article as a basis for written work and discussion. Here is the worksheet we'll use.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

summer work

It is essential that you keep up your language skills over the summer . Here's some follow-up work from yesterday's lesson. 
1)  Listen again to the audio file Laserangriffe auf Polizeihubschrauber. Choose 20 words  from your lesson notes and write  sentences to show how they can be used.  The sentences must relate to the context of the news story. You can combine words in a sentence if you like. e.g. Laserstrahlen sind gefährlich für Flugzeuge und die Polizei versucht, die Täter zu bekämpfen.

2) watch this Youtube video and write a 50 word summary in German. 

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Speaking Practice

Use these questions to help you prepare for the oral.
Here are a few sample answers with good phrases in bold. Match them to the question in the question bank above.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Essay Practice for Year 12 exam

This week, we'll practise a couple of essays ready for your exam on Friday.
Here's the handout - lots of phrases and masses of good vocabulary.  We have to compensate for the fact that you are not constantly immersed in a totally German-speaking environment. So, unfortunately, quite a bit of Gehirnvollstopfung is required.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009


We'll spend a couple of lessons on Umwelt and then do some oral and written practice in preparation for the coming exams. 

Umwelt ist ein riesengroßes Thema und wir werden im Laufe des Studienprogramms ein paar Mal darauf zurückkommen. Deutschland hat sich schon längst mit Umweltproblemen befasst. Schauen Sie sich die Greenpeace for Kids Seiten an, um einen Einblick in diesen Themenbereich zu gewinnen. Finden Sie einen Artikel oder einen Bericht und bereiten Sie eine Präsentation vor.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Easter work

Apologies.  I had to cancel yesterday's lesson due to a meeting. Make sure all the work on the previous post is done for after Easter.  Optional: to keep your German ticking over, have a look at News4kids and write your own version and reaction to one of the news stories.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Zoos - Pro oder Kontra?

You have 2 weeks until our next lesson.  Plenty of time to do the work, so there's more.

Wer diese drei Aufgaben erledigt und am 1.April einreicht, bekommt ein Stück Toblerone. Ja, ehrlich ! Das ist kein Aprilscherz.

1) Zoos: Pro und Kontra (Schreiben Sie einen kurzen Artikel für eine deutsche Schülerzeitung)

2) Schreiben Sie eine Antwort auf den folgenden Leserbrief.
Ich war neulich mit meinen Kindern im Hamburger Tiergarten und war nach einigen Stunden völlig deprimiert.  Die Tiere waren offentsichtlich unglücklich, aggressiv und frustriert, denn die Gehege waren viel zu klein und es gab für die armen Tiere keine Abwechslung. Meine Kinder haben das auch bemerkt und wollen nie mehr in den Zoo. 

3) Wer ist Knut der Eisbär?  Schreiben Sie einen kurzen Zeitungsartikel. Diese Seite wird Ihnen helfen.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Year 12 IB March

Wir freuen uns darauf, über den Deutschlandaustausch zu hören.  Hoffentlich hat euch der Aufenthalt viel gebracht, den Horizont erweitert, einen Einblick in eine andere Kultur sowie ein besseres Verständnis der deutschen Lebensweise gegeben.

We'll spend the next few lessons on the topic of  Zoos: Pro und Contra. Have a look at Yahoo   for some ideas. We'll also use this document as a starting point.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

IB German Year 12

Wilkommen zum IB Deutsch DP1 Blog

The VLE is proving hard to manage, mainly due to log-on and password issues. So this is a way forward.  Use this page to catch up with work you've missed, check up on work set and to pick up links, tips and messages.